Learn about Rosemary Oil for Skin and Its Other Cosmetic Uses
Who doesn’t love beauty secrets?
You must have heard about the amazing benefits of rosemary oil for skin. It treats infections and restores health. It improves the mood and calms the mind.
But have you heard about secrets on how this herb also helps retain beauty and delay aging? You must have, because these kinds of secrets aren’t all that easy to keep. They’ll show – that’s how good they are.
The beauty secret of queens
As secrets go, this one goes as far back as the 14th century.
Rosemary water – also called Hungary Water – was Queen Elizabeth’s beauty and health tonic.
It was said to have brought back her health and youth. As tales would have it, the widow queen of Hungary was 70 when the King of Poland proposed marriage to her. The king, who was only 26 years old at the time, was apparently so taken by the queen’s beauty and vitality.
True or not, history vouches for one thing. That tonic later became very popular. Not long after, it became the first herbal product to be manufactured commercially.
The not-so-secret beauty secrets
Nearly two centuries later, in 1525 in England, the first-ever herbal book was printed and published. This was called Banckes’ Herbal. It was printed by Rycharde Banckes. Written in Old English, here’s what it says about rosemary, and I quote verbatim:
“boyle the leves in whyte wyne and wasshe thy face therwith…thou shalt have a fayre face”
Yes, that got me smiling, too.
In 1615, writer and poet Gervase Markham wrote about rosemary herb uses for the face. He extolled how rosemary water “causeth a fair and clear contenance” when used to wash the face in the morning and night. He also wrote that it “cleanseth away the spots of the face; it maketh a man look young”.
Those were great revelations at the time. People thought of rosemary as sacred and magical. Of course now we know better.
What rosemary contains
All those secrets boil down to what’s in rosemary that makes it heal and repair the skin. Modern science has shown that this herb contains polyphenols. These are compounds that fight diseases and counter cellular damage.
Carnosic and Rosmarinic acids are just two of over 30 compounds present in rosemary.
All these components work together to give seemingly magical effects. They fight inflammation, bacterial infection, fungal diseases, depression, oxidative stress, and even cancer.
How to use Rosemary Oil for Skin and make it Part of your Beauty Regimen
What I would call real beauty secrets are those that I have tried or seen firsthand and found to work.
Some of these beauty solutions were so unbelievably effective right away the first time I tried them.
Some took time to take effect. Either way, they were life-changing.
If you’ve been shunned before because of a dreadful case of acne, or had a really bad case of dark circles around your eyes that you had to decline a dream date, then you would want to know about this.
Using rosemary oil for skin problems requires it to be applied topically on the affected area. Here are some of the ways I use it:
- As acne treatment – since it’s an antiseptic and astringent, it will dry up acne without drying your skin. To spot treat acne, apply rosemary oil using a cotton swab. You may also mix rosemary oil with shea butter or castor oil. Massage the mixture lightly on your face. Rinse off with warm water. This clears up acne and moisturizes your face.
You’ve popped an angry pimple without meaning to? Well, even if you meant to, a dab of rosemary oil will help dry it up. It will also ward off germs that may infect the wound.
- As facial cleanser – rosemary oil has deep purifying properties. It cleanses the skin, unclogs pores, and normalizes the skin pH. I usually mix it with oatmeal and honey to make a facial scrub. Just massage on your face and neck, and then rinse. When used regularly, this will unclog pores. It will also prevent those blackheads and whiteheads from showing their, well, ugly heads.
- As skin toner – fight off the effects of gravity and firm up your skin. This one is very easy to prepare. Just mix distilled water, vegetable glycerine, and rosemary oil. Spray as toner for your skin. This concoction tightens pores and reduces excessive facial oiliness.
- As anti-wrinkle remedy – rosemary’s antioxidant properties will help counter the effects of free radicals and reduce wrinkles and fine lines. Not to mention, of course, that better blood circulation will also hasten skin healing and rejuvenation.
My mother swears by this recipe. Simply mix rosemary oil with rosehip oil and vitamin E. Massage on your face before going to bed and wake up to smoother skin. Use this regularly as anti-aging boost. It also helps fight damages from sun exposure.
- As body scrub – I’m not a very huge fan of sugar body scrubs, but if you’re into that, here’s a quick tip. Enjoy the benefits of rosemary oil for skin by substituting it to your usual oil base. Add to sugar and scrub away to find amazing results.
- As cellulite remover – using this remedy by itself will not be a very bright idea. Instead, tone and firm up with exercise and massage with rosemary oil to enhance blood circulation. This regimen will help even out the area and markedly diminish the problem.
Prepare your massage medium by mixing rosemary oil with carrier oils like jojoba or almond oil.
- As stretch mark minimizer – rosemary’s moisturizing and smoothening properties will slowly fade out stretch marks, especially when blended with coconut oil.
- As eye bag solution – got raccoon eyes? Well, that’s pretty frustrating. Volumes have already been said about rosemary herb uses to boost blood circulation, ease fluid congestion, and fight oxygen-stealing free radicals. All these help to reduce eye puffiness and lighten dark areas around the eyes.
What I do is prepare this special cool gel by mixing rosemary oil with aloe vera. Just apply the gel around the eyes. Let it sit for several minutes before washing it off.
Okay, so now that I’ve spilled my secrets, I hope I’ve inspired you to try each of them. And hopefully, each tip that works for you will inspire you to explore more of the benefits of rosemary oil for skin and its other uses.